This year's Catalina Workshop participants were as talented as ever! We had a pretty authentic bird workshop with a live Night Heron hanging out with us in the classroom, a field trip to the Eagle Research facility in the island's interior, a guest appearance by ornithologist Dr. Sharpe. Jon Council, head of the Catalina Marine Animal Rescue brought us a fledgling Night Heron he had rescued and he was happy to sit on a step ladder and pose for us! All of the workshop participants worked diligently and produced some fantastic work. Overlook Hall is a large quiet space perfect for this kind of meditative work. Thanks to all who helped make this happen--Karen, Monica, Ana, Rock & Kathleen, Jon and all of the participants--Annette, Devin, Douglas, Ellen, Heidi, Judy, Karin, Kathleen, Kelly, Monica, & Suzanne! Looking forward to seeing you all again next year!