Press & Media

This was a fun one! I sat down with Fish Veterinarian and Researcher Dr. Roy Yanong to discuss my process of fish illustration and my trajectory as a . . .

It's an honor to have my work in Fly Fusion Magazine. This is Canada's hottest fishing magazine and this issue is off the charts . . .

Feature Article in Sportfishing Adventures Magazine
As always I was surprised when Sportfishing Adventures approached me and asked to do a featured piece on my art and fishing. They had seen my ridiculous shenanigans fly fishing for sharks with dry...

Feature Story in Anglers Journal Magazine!
Thank you to Krista Karlson and Anglers Journal Magazine for this artfully crafted piece on my trajectory as an artist . . .

Mackerel Painting Featured in Summer Issue of Anglers Journal Magazine
This piece by Barry Gibson brought me back to my youth when my sister and I would fish for . . .

Cover of Anglers Journal Magazine!
I was shocked upon receiving the Summer issue of Anglers Journal because I had no idea . . .

Paintings Featured in Arts & Liesure Cover of Addison Independent
Had an awesome conversation with Elsie Lynn Parini about some of the crazy things I did . . .

Atlantic Salmon Pencil Sketch Featured in Anglers Journal Magazine
Oddly enough while I was fly fishing for wild Atlantic Salmon on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia this past summer, Anglers Journal called and asked me . . .

Nick Mayer Art Featured in The 11 Most Inspiring & Beautiful Shopify Stores
Nick Mayer Art was featured in Ado Labs' "The 11 Most Inspiring & Beautiful Shopify Stores Of 2018." Adriana Pope writes, "This store is special because it . . .