Tarpon Canvas Print
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Tarpon, Megalops atlanticus
Tarpon have a well earned reputation for being the silver king of the flats. Between their astonishing acrobatics and their polished chrome coloration these amazing creatures are certainly worth conserving for future generations.
Printed on high quality, artist grade stock canvas and folded around a lightweight frame to give them a gorgeous, gallery ready appearance. With acid free ink that will last without fading or chipping, features a scratch-resistant UV coating. Wipes clean easily with a damp cloth or to remove dust, vacuum gently using a soft brush attachment.
My mission as an artist is to inspire an appreciation for and curiosity about nature and its creatures by communicating the aesthetic beauty of this planet’s amazing creatures as they really are.
It is my hope that this appreciation will result in acts of empathy & stewardship towards these incredible creatures portrayed in my paintings.